Monday, October 25, 2010

Last week of P90X

I've made it to the very last week of P90X. Today was Core Synergestics. I still think this is the hardest workout for me. Man does it work your core the whole time. Maybe it's because I always do it the day after yoga. Not sure, but I still can't finish the whole think. Wow! Is it a workout for me.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

week 11

Yeah, Kenpo X today. I'm putting on my Beachbody gloves, to help make the workout better. The good news is that my pants have been falling off. I went shopping over the weekend to buy the next size down. (yeah)!

I can tell that I'm not making as much progress by not doing the workouts in their entire length, but I'm still making progress.