Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm in Love!

I just love P90X Kenpo X. It is so simple, no complicated moves. My knees don't hurt after. I am in love. this will be a workout I will do always!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Week 9, Training Block 3

Here I am on the home stretch, the last month. Today is P90X Shoulders & Arms. Enjoyable workout, no dread factor here. Weight work is so much easier in the morning than jumping around cardio. This workout moves fast & is repeating exercises. Good Workout even with the bands. My favorite exercise today was the Static Arm curls. I enjoy the burn in my biceps.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tony Horton One on One Medicine Ball Core Cardio

Here's my review. I'm giving this one a try for the first time. This seems to be a slow starting DVD, 5 minutes into it he's finally done stretching and putting on his heart rate monitor. It think this is a good option when you are tired.

I picked out my 6# ball, and a 3 lbs weight. Istarted with the 6 # and then switched down to the three. I enjoyed this workout. I liked that it was short and I was sweating up a storm. I think I'd replace it with Plyometrics, but not my Kenpo. I love my Kenpo punches and kicks too much. The workout was 36 minutes so perfect for squeezing it in early morning before work.

Week 8 - Recovery Phase

HI - This is suppose to be week 8, my recovery phase. I was, however, lucky enough to borrow the One-on-One series from a co-worker so I've been reviewed these disks and replacing them when it fits.

I tried Fountain of Youth and Patience Hummingbird wonderful replacements for Yoga X. I never have the 90 minutes to do the whole workout in the morning. These two are excellent replacements.

I've also tried Bun Shaper. I just thru this in & it is a favorite. I felt muscles two days later that I know I need to work. That's super.

I also did Core Synergistics for the 2nd time now. I didn't have time to finish it, I had to cut is short to 42 minutes. I didn't feel as bad afterward as I did the first time. It's still a very hard workout for me. I felt a little tight all day yesterday, even a co-worker commented on me walking funny. I guess that means I need to do that one more often.

Today, I'm going to replace Kenpo with Medicine Ball Core Cardio, so I get a chance to try this before I have to return the series.

I'm so torn. I think I actually like the first series the best. So as of today, I put Volume 1 on my wish list, of course this could change when I get done quickly previewing the Volume 2 disks.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Week 7 - the good & bad

The good news is that I'm in my 2nd month, & my son starts school. The bad news is that the bus comes so early, I'm going to have to cut my workouts short from now on. I'll only have 45 min to work out each day.

Today was P90X Plyo. I was able to modify this down to 45 minutes. Oh, I'm still sweating. I still worked out, so I feel good. I feel that I've made great strides in the last 6 weeks, so I'm just happy that I can continue to work out.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Week 6 - Legs & Back

Another good workout. I love working out the legs, an area I need to work out. I think the balancing lunges are the hardest. The Groucho walk is pretty fun. It is fun to mix it up & use mostly my body weight for legs. I used 5# for the calf raises, Yes, I felt the burn.

I'm noticing changes in my body this week. The scale hasn't been changing to I took measurements. I'm pleased to see that I've lost inches. That makes me happy to see changes in my body.