Sunday, July 11, 2010

Who am I?

I'm a BeachBody Coach and a busy mom of two little ones. I have been a long time home exercise video lover. I've been using exercise videos since the late 80's mostly because I love the convenience of exercise on my own time without leaving my home. It's so easy to do it on my time instead of waiting for a class time or trying to schedule daycare for the kids.

I did take about a 5 year break from my videos while I had my two little kids. During this time, I felt like I couldn't find the time or energy to exercise. I discovered during this little break that exercising actually makes me feel better both physically and mentally. Taking time for me each day helps out both me and my family. Exercise is going to be part of my daily routine from here on out.

I'm addicted to trying new workouts and new instructors, so joining the BeachBody team as a coach was very exciting. I'll have lots of tools & support coaches to help me learn all about BeachBody products, so I can help others on their fitness journey as well.

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