Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's a big ole circle!

I was talking to my sister-in-law yesterday about exercising. She has a 10 month old now and is nursing, plus working full time. She's following exactly where I was a couple years back. I have two kids, 5 and 3-1/2. I went back to work after 12 weeks off, full time and continued to nurse both of them until almost 2. I remember how tired I was during this time.

I had been exercising for a long time prior to getting pregnant in 2004. I was so ambitious and exercised throughout my pregnancy. I did lots of walking at an indoor rink and a bit of pregnancy yoga. I was feeling great, then the baby came. It went downhill. I wasn't getting a lot of sleep especially after going back to work. I think the teething and the sickness was actually worse than when they were little & you had to feed them often during the night. I hardly had the energy to make it thru the day much less exercise in my free time. Ok, there wasn't any free time, but it sounds like a nice thing.

So this January, my daughter turned 3. I decided it's time to get myself going again. I'm not feeling very good about my shape after having two kids, plus I'm tired all the time and that isn't good. I decided I need to try again. I need to make time for myself and work out. So 5 years, after giving up exercise, I'm back at it. I'm forcing myself to wake up early and workout so that I'll be a better mom and wife. I know that I have to stay motivated. This usually means that I have to have a lot of variety in my life. I run in phases, sometimes I'm into kickboxing, sometimes weight lifting/kettlebells and sometimes outdoor activities like walking or biking. I'm currently enjoying the challenge of P90X, until I get bored again. . . I'll switch to something new.

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