Sunday, August 8, 2010

Slow Start on Sunday Morning

It's 7:45 Sunday morning. I woke up about 5 minutes ago. I was thinking that I need to get my body moving so I can exercise before the kids wake up. It's a rainy, dreary day outside this morning. A perfect day to stay in bed. The next thing I know my youngest is by my side wanting to jump in the middle.

So I say to her, "You stay here with Daddy & Mommy is going to go exercise." Nope that doesn't work. She wants to go watch her show on tv. So, I just set her up with a show on tv and started my coffee. My body and mind feel like jello today. I need a little time to warm up before I start the DVD scheduled for today, Kenpo X. So here I am at 7:57 taking a deep breathe and getting ready to exercise.

8:15 - I'm still not exercising. My youngest has been in here wanting to get dressed and eat candy. I set her up with some breakfast and I'm now trying to start again.

9:15 - I made it through with only two interuptions from the kids. I sure find exercising in the early morning more enjoyable and easier than with children underfoot. But we all survived and I have completed Kenpo X!

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