Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday Workout, P90X Legs and Back

I slept in today until 7:30. It felt great. When I woke up, I whispered to my husband that I hope I can workout before the kids wake up.

Legs and Back is a 59 minute workout. I don't have enough time to complete the entire workout during the week, so I was kind of excited that it landed on Saturday. Well you can guess what happened. My little one was up before I was half done. I think I paused my workout about 6 times before I made it to the end. I finished the entire workout today, but I know I got lots of extra breaks.

In this workout, I worked both my legs and upper body. You rotate between the two so each one has time to rest. I'm still using my bands instead of pull ups, so you can say I'm taking the easy route. After the workout, I finished Ab Ripper X. Yikes. This is a 15 minute core workout itself. I think it might be getting tougher each time instead of getting easier. I could be that this is the first time I've done it right after a workout. I usually workout in the morning and then try to squeeze this in sometime in the evening (when I return home from work).

So, I got almost 75 minutes in today of exercise. I feel like that's enough. I'm good until tomorrow.

Enjoy your Saturday!

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