Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Surprising Discovery About P90X!

Ok, I admit it, I was a little afraid of P90X. I've been hearing about this fitness program for years. I've seen the infomercials a couple times, and I just felt that it was too advanced for me. I wouldn't be able to do it. I think all the pull-ups might have gotten to me. I know I can't do even one. But it kept popping back in my mind, should I try it?

Ok, so I ordered it and it arrived. The first day, I started with Shoulders and Arms, that's not disk one, but I know it would be a lot easier than Chest and Back. I told myself that I had 30 minutes to just give it a try. Boy was I surprised, in a good way. It was lots of fun! I like the gym atmosphere that they are in. I like Tony's silly/goofy comments. It was so strangely motivating to make me want to work out harder than I ever have. (to feel the burn)

Thus, I started my P90X journey. I working on my second week, 3rd day, so today was my 3rd time of Shoulders and Arms. I even set the alarm earlier today, so I could be sure to squeeze the entire workout in this morning. I feel pumped and ready to go this morning. I'll admit that this program is heavy on upper body. My upper body is a tiny bit sorry every day, but it makes me smile a little when I think about it. It means that I'm doing something good for me & my body. I'm pushing myself a little further than I have in the past. I have lots of enery. I'm a strong woman & I can do it. I will do it!

I'm a P90X lover!

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