Friday, April 15, 2011

What are your fitness goals for next week?

In many areas of my life, I like to set small achievable goals that I can reach. I used to be a procrastinator during college. I put things off until the last minute. Now, many years later, I like to get things done early. I don't really like rushing and finishing at the last minute. Even if I can just get started for 5-10 minutes to get motiviated or organized is better than nothing. I've also adapted this change to my fitness area of life. Instead of saying, I want to lose 40 pounds or get to a size 2, I like to work on small achievable goals. One month I challenged myself to adding 100 kettlebell swings to my workout every day. It may be a small thing each day, but at the end you have added up lots of swings.

 Let's set goals for this next week! For me, this will be some preparing for the holiday weekend (Easter), so things may get a little hectic in my schedule. But, I'm still going to shoot for exercising 5 days and including one Turbo Jam, one Tony Horton One-On-One DVD , one kettlebell workout and at least one yoga workout during this next week. I will post this goal where I can see it for the week, and I'll try to hit my goal by next Friday.
 What are your goals for next week? Think of something small, yet challenging that you can do for next week. Then, let's check back in a week to see how we did.

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